Kansas Wesleyan University


十大赌博平台排行榜官方年度目录可在网上获得. 它仅是截至发布日期的现行政策的陈述. 本目录中的信息在编制时尽可能准确. 十大赌博平台排行榜保留修改的权利, 将......添加到......, or delete any or all policies, 程序, 和需求, 包括学费, 费用, and charges that are published in this catalog.

其他大学的政策和规定可以在学生手册中找到,也可以通过网站上提供的其他材料找到,也可以通过其他方式分发给学生,这些材料描述了当前的申请或政策的变化. This p年龄’s accuracy or lack thereof should not reflect upon the official policies of Kansas Wesleyan University.

Privacy and Disclosure of Student Records

Kansas Wesleyan University is committed to complying with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.

根据该法案的条款,某些学生信息已被确定为公共信息. This may include release of name, address, 电话号码, date and place of birth, major field of study, 参加学校的体育活动, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of attendance, 获得的学位和奖项以及以前就读的教育机构. (A more complete description of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may be found in the Student Development Office.)


十大赌博平台排行榜没有性别歧视, 残疾, 年龄, 比赛, color, 宗教, sexual orientation/preference, national or ethnic origin, 也不以退伍军人身份招收和录取学生, 教员和职员的招聘和雇用, 以及任何教育项目和活动的运作, as specified by federal laws and regulations. 十大赌博平台排行榜的平等机会官员, 谁来协调遵守这些不同的法律法规, 负责财务和行政的副总裁是谁.



十大赌博平台排行榜是一个由来自不同背景的人组成的社区,致力于为所有社区成员提供平等的机会,不分种族,共同学习和工作, color, 宗教, 性别, sexual orientation/preference, national origin or citizenship status, 年龄, 残疾, or 资深地位. 作为一个积极检查和交流思想的地方, 十大赌博平台排行榜努力维持一种以相互尊重为标志的正义气氛. 我们致力于最高标准的文明和体面, 我们致力于促进和支持一个所有人都可以工作的社区, 学习, 一起生活在没有虐待或侮辱的环境中.


大学不是以任何理由威胁或恐吓他人的地方. KWU拒绝种族歧视或骚扰行为, 种族, 性别, 年龄, 残疾, sexual orientation, 宗教, 资深地位, and political beliefs.  美国niversity encour年龄s 教师, 工作人员, 学生报告任何基于种族的针对个人或群体的行为, color, 宗教, 性别, sexual orientation/preference, national origin or citizenship status, 年龄, 残疾, or 资深地位.

All reported incidents of alleged violations of this policy will be investigated according to University procedure. Violations could result in disciplinary measures.

Equity in 体育运动 Disclosure Act

十大赌博平台排行榜遵守1994年的《十大赌博靠谱网络平台》, Section 360B of Public Law 103-382. 本法案所要求的信息可在注册表中查阅 & 金融服务办公室的学生,未来的学生,或公众.

Disability Services

It is the policy of Kansas Wesleyan University to provide all students with access to the benefits of services in 入学, 登记, 咨询, 和指令. In order to receive the needed assistance, an individual with a diagnosed 残疾 must inform the university of the 残疾 through official documentation. 有关课堂学习协助的资讯, 联系学生成功中心主任(785-827-5541分机). 4160或电邮 (电子邮件保护)). 以获得合理的住宿条件, students with special needs and disabilities must identify themselves privately to the Director of the Student Success Center, ext. 在第一周上课期间或之前,请到纪念图书馆.


  • 大学的政策规定了授权图书馆的检索, 入学, 登记, 咨询, 和指令al materials for any student who, beca使用 of limited mobility, is unable to readily access such material.
  • 登记 & 金融服务办公室将为那些行动不便的学生转移课程. 这包括, but is not limited to: wheelchair-bound students, students who need ambulatory assistance, 或者有心脏病的学生(根据医生的要求).
  • 顾问, 教师, 和其他不在地面或没有电梯可达的大学办公室将在预先安排的地点与残疾学生或未来的学生协商.
  • The university library will offer personal retrieval assistance for books and periodicals for mobility-impaired or sight-disabled students.
  • For students with auditory disabilities, the university will authorize, in conjunction with social service 年龄ncies, 在课堂上提供有偿或志愿手语翻译.
  • For students with visual impairment, the university will, in conjunction with social service 年龄ncies, 为付费或志愿的笔记员和/或阅读者提供课堂访问. The university will authorize, in consultation with individual 教师 members, and with respect to relevant copyright laws, permission for audio tape recordings of lectures.
  • 这所大学只能为有学习障碍的学生提供有限的服务. Available services include some tutorials, reading and writing skills assistance, taping lectures and textbooks, and modified testing.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

Kansas Wesleyan University strongly supports the provisions of The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226).

The unlawful possession, 使用, 学生或雇员在十大赌博平台排行榜的财产或作为大学任何活动的一部分分发非法药物和酒精是严格禁止的.

Sexual Misconduct and Unlawful Harassment 政策

Kansas Wesleyan University is committed to having a positive 学习ing and working environment for its students and employees, 不会容忍不当性行为(包括性暴力或不受欢迎的性身体接触),也不会容忍非法骚扰, which would include, among other things, requests for sexual favors, unwanted physical contact, visual displays of degrading sexual im年龄s, sexually suggestive conduct, or offensive remarks of a sexual nature.

不当性行为和非法骚扰是违反联邦和州法律的, and therefore will not be tolerated. 除了, 教职员工与学生之间双方同意的关系, 员工和主管之间的关系是有问题的, and should generally be avoided. The power differential inherent in such relationships may render any apparent consent void and create grounds for an unlawful harassment complaint.

如果个人认为自己是不当性行为或非法骚扰的受害者,我们鼓励他们向执行副校长/教务长或学生发展主任提出非正式或正式的投诉. 非正式投诉可以是口头或书面形式,目的是提供一种方式,使行为停止而不采取正式的纪律处分. 正式的投诉可以通过提交一份签名的, 书面投诉, which will be promptly investigated by the Director of Student Development or the Executive Vice-President/Provost, 并转交给适当的司法机构进行裁决. 十大赌博平台排行榜禁止律师参加所有正式诉讼,包括司法听证会. 对任何举报不当性行为或非法骚扰的人进行报复, 或者是目击证人或其他涉案人员, 是被禁止的.

Students and employees should consult the full text of the Kansas Wesleyan University 政策 on Sexual Misconduct and Unlawful Harassment, which may be found on the college website or in the office of the General Counsel of Kansas Wesleyan University. This formal policy takes precedence over any and all other statements of policy relating to sexual misconduct or unlawful harassment.


聘雇研究委员会是一个行政机构,旨在保障获聘参与大学研究活动的人类研究对象的权利和福利, 根据保护人类受试者的联邦政策(45 CFR 46) and The Belmont Report. The responsibilities of the committee shall include the training of individuals in the ethical treatment of human subjects, 审查和批准涉及使用人体受试者的研究建议,并保存适当的记录以记录此类研究活动. Please direct questions to:

Dr. 大卫·西尔弗曼,内部审核委员会主席
Phone: (785) 833-4389

IRB Training Modules

以下培训和教育模块是为拟进行培训的人员设计的, 或者那些审查涉及人类受试者的研究. Research using human subjects is heavily regulated by the federal government and requires targeted training and documentation of that training.

以下是杰弗里·科恩十大赌博平台排行榜教育和培训的讲话节选, 研究风险保护办公室(OPRR), the federal office responsible for oversight and compliance with human subjects research regulations and guidelines (May 1999):

“OPRR寻找的教育项目有两个基本特征——它是持续的,它能覆盖到一个机构中参与人类受试者研究的每个人. The necessity to train IRB members is obvious, 因为没有适当的培训,内部审查委员会无法做出明智的决定. Equally important is the necessity to train the individuals who actually conduct the human subjects research. Unless the IRB can be sure that these individuals understand the issues involved in human subjects research (informed consent, 风险/受益, 保密, 等.)就不能确定研究对象是否得到了充分的保护.”

因此, 机构和IRB有责任在与该机构正在进行的项目相关的主题上充分培训和教育研究人员和IRB成员. 以下培训和教育模块提供了这些材料. 每个模块针对人类受试者研究的不同方面. There is some redundancy between modules, but the information that is found to be in common among the modules is important to the overall understanding of the critical issues involved.



十大赌博平台排行榜禁止不当性行为, 跟踪, 约会暴力, and domestic violence.  Individuals who believe a 第九条 sexual misconduct incident may have occurred on KWU’s campus or involving the KWU community, 应讨论他们的担忧和/或向以下机构提交报告:

第九条协调员,布里奇特·韦瑟,电话:785-833-4325, (电子邮件保护),先锋大厅,125室或100 E Claflin Ave Box 30,萨利纳,KS 67401
第九章副协调员,贝基·马修斯,785-833-4303, (电子邮件保护),先锋大厅,185室或100 E克拉弗林大道,萨利纳,KS 67401
校园安全主任,Lonnie Booker, 785-833-4360, (电子邮件保护)
Campus Security, 785-829-6017, (电子邮件保护)

Training for all 第九条 Officials

KICA 第九条 Training (PDF)

Student Verification 政策

Commission 政策 FDCR.A.10.090:

一个机构有责任在其获得授权或许可的每个州以及美国认可的任何其他机构或项目认证机构中保持良好的信誉.S. Department of Education by which it is accredited or pre-accredited up to the point that it voluntarily withdraws from such relationships. 机构应向委员会和公众公平地说明其与其他机构或项目认证机构以及其获得授权或许可的每个州的历史或当前或以前的状态. 机构应向委员会披露任何影响机构法律地位或授予学位或提供课程的权力的未决或最终国家行动,以及认证机构撤销认证或预认证地位的任何未决或最终行动, 施加制裁或拒绝这种地位的申请. 此类披露应在另一个实体采取行动时进行,并在委员会的机构更新中进行,并为委员会的全面评估做准备.

2008年美国联邦高等教育机会法案(HEOA), Public Law 110-315, 要求十大赌博平台排行榜制定流程,通过该流程,我们可以确定注册在线课程的学生与参与并完成课程并获得学分的学生是同一个人. 十大赌博平台排行榜通过限制学生通过需要安全登录和密码的大学门户访问在线课程来满足这一要求. Some of the online courses offered at KWU correspondingly require that students take their exams in a proctored environment. This policy applies to all credit-bearing distance education courses or programs offered by Kansas Wesleyan University, 从申请入学开始,一直持续到学生毕业, 转移, or withdrawal from study.

政策 Procedures:

学生的身份验证在入学或首次课程注册时开始. 与学生身份验证相关的程序包括注册, 咨询和成绩单程序,以及为每个学生生成唯一的Jenzabar ID. To authenticate identities, 十大赌博平台排行榜将使用以下一种或多种方法进行验证:

  • A secure login with 使用r name and password
  • Proctored examinations
  • 有效验证学生身份的新兴技术和实践

When a student is initially registered, 创建一个唯一的登录名和密码,提供访问安全的大学内部网(myKWU),并将信息传达给学生. 如果学生没有收到或放错了这些信息, 他们必须携带带照片的身份证件到注册办公室. Student access to the course man年龄ment system is through myKWU and requires the 使用 of this login and password. 登录信息的数据传输采用标准加密技术. 学生将获得有关在myKWU登录屏幕上设置和维护密码安全性的最佳做法的信息.

When a student first logs in, 系统会提示用户设置安全问题,以便在忘记密码时检索密码. 学生如未能以电子方式取回密码,可联络中大支援台寻求协助. 大学可能会使用收集的个人身份信息, at the discretion of the institution, as the basis for identity 验证. 例如, 要求重置myKWU登录密码的学生可能会被要求提供两条或多条信息,以便与我们的记录数据进行比较.

Student Responsibility:

The Code of Conduct in the Kansas Wesleyan University Student Handbook specifically prohibits all forms of cheating, plagiarism and academic dishonesty. 《十大赌博靠谱网络平台》亦禁止滥用大学电脑资源,例如:

a. 未经授权进入文件,使用、读取或更改内容,或为任何其他目的.
b. Unauthorized 转移 of a file.
c. 使用他人的身份证明及/或密码.
d. 使用计算机设备和资源干扰其他学生的作业, 教师 or 工作人员 member or University Official.
e. 使用电脑设施及资源发送淫亵或侮辱性讯息.
f. Use of computing facilities and resources to interfere with normal operation of the University computing system.
g. 违反版权法使用计算机设备和资源.
h. 违反大学电脑使用政策的行为
(2015-2016 Code of Conduct, pp. 3-4)

学生有责任维护用户名的安全, 密码和分配给它们的任何其他访问凭据. 这些信息可能不会被分享或提供给除了他们被分配的人以外的任何人. 用户对其帐户的任何和所有使用负责. KWU建议所有用户在必要时更改密码以确保安全. Users are held responsible for knowledge of the information contained within the most recent KWU catalog as well as the KWU Student Handbook. 没有阅读和遵守学校的指导方针, 要求和规定不能免除用户的责任.


DATE: January 8, 2015


教职员工及其家属的员工学费减免福利将扩大到包括在线课程,前提是相关课程部分存在能力. 对例外情况的批准由教务长酌情决定.


DATE: January 8, 2015


在线课程不被视为全日制课程的一部分, 本科生面对面的学生在负荷作业的计费目的. 全日制, face to face student participating in athletics, and residential students may take online courses, but only as an overload, billed at the full, 不打折的学费率和每年由机构设定的相关费用.

进一步, those who achieve full-time status through a combination of face to face and online courses will be billed the individual credit hour rate, 但将没有资格获得机构资助和/或控制的财政援助计划.



美国.S. 教育署及中大学生财务规划办公室希望你知道:


  • 了解你的学校有哪些经济援助项目
  • 了解每个可用的经济援助计划提交申请的截止日期.
  • to know how your financial need was determined. 这包括 how costs for tuition and 费用, 食宿, 旅行, books and supplies, personal and miscellaneous expenses, are considered in your budget.
  • 要知道什么资源,如父母的贡献,其他经济援助,你的资产等.,是在考虑你的需要时考虑到的.
  • 了解你的财务需求有多少,由机构确定,已得到满足.
  • 要求解释你的学生援助计划中的各种项目.
  • to know your school’s refund policy.
  • to know what portion of the financial assistance you receive must be repaid and what portion is grant assistance. If the assistance is a loan, 你有权知道利率是多少, the total amount that must be repaid, the repayment 程序, the length of time you have to repay the loan,
  • to know how the school determines whether you are making satisfactory progress and what happens if you are not.
  • to obtain other consumer information concerning student retention and completion rate which is available upon request.
  • to information concerning academic programs, facilities and 教师, 是在十大赌博平台排行榜的目录里吗.


  • 你必须准确填写所有的申请表格,并按时提交到正确的地方.
  • You must provide correct information. In most instances, misreporting information on financial assistance application forms is a violation of law and may be considered a criminal offense, possibly resulting in indictment under the U.S. 刑法.
  • You must return all additional documentation, 验证, 修正, and /or new information requested by either the Enrollment and Financial Services office or the 年龄ncy to which you submitted your application.
  • You are responsible for reading and understanding all forms that you are asked to sign and for keeping copies of them.
  • 你必须对你签署的所有协议负责.
  • 你必须完成在接受联邦工作学习奖时商定的工作.
  • 您必须了解并遵守申请或重新申请援助的截止日期.
  • 你应该了解学校的退款程序.
  • 所有学校都必须向未来的学生提供有关学校过去的学生保留率和各种课程完成率的信息. 在决定上哪所学校之前,你应该仔细考虑这些信息.

Student Development 政策

有关学生发展的最新政策,请参阅 十大赌博靠谱网络平台 p年龄.